Steve Rosen
CEO & Founder
Steve is an entrepreneur who was tailor-made for the financial services industry. After graduating from Hofstra University with a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, Steve worked in both finance and recruiting.
As a trader and former million-dollar producer in the brokerage business, Steve discovered his passion for working with financial advisors. He ultimately founded Rainmaker Associates in 2006 — a natural extension of his success in deal-making.
Steve’s perspective and industry knowledge enabled him to manage the many processes involved in bringing complex transactions to fruition. His talent for negotiating deals and creating winners on all sides of the business became the cornerstone of Rainmaker’s value proposition to the industry. An insider’s perspective and strong connections starting at the C-suite have enabled Steve and his team to make productive relationships and transactions happen for financial advisors.
Steve has consulted with over 3,000 advisors, representing well over $400 billion in assets.
Growing up in Long Island, NY, Steve had a role model in his father, an influential textile CEO. He now resides in NYC with his wife, 2 sons and Pit Bull Lolita.